Monday, January 13, 2025

MJZ Studio Akai Oniwaka Kiyomori 铭匠传 - 赤若鬼

 Another monster kit:

This kit comes with some first edition limited parts: per sonally i really like the two mecha dragon/ghost head. So this is d first time i do this: kit bashing with a kit that i m not gonna paint it with color. It is kinda scary because any accident, I cant do any patching up or damage control with putty n such, as it is a zero paint project.

Basically I have just cut of certain part of the head, mainly the face, and add it with one of the dragon head as its head/helmet.

This took me about 3 weeks of working on it. and it's  time well spent i must say :)


 This is one 1/100 kit that is not only massive, but REALLY heavy too, dued to its full metal frame. Same, photo first, talk later.

Seriously, the construction of the kit is not as good as I anticipated. Dont get me wrong, everything fits well. Perhaps I was having really high expectation, certain procedure n steps in assembly isnt really my cup of tea.

However, overall, this is definitely a monster and worth getting!

Monday, January 6, 2025

机核工业 - 卡戎Charon

 This is another China own design but looks exactly like a modded kit of Bandai's.

However, looking at the size of it, the amount of runners, n its retail price; damn, I m not complaining.

Basically it has everything expected i today's Gunpla modeling. No, this has no metal frame. But looking at its price tag, I think it is fair

Again, everything looks like it's from somewhere, some other Bandai or Gunpla kit. Looks exactly like a kitbasher's work with a big ass backpack.

One thing that got me still continuing building these kits, and still enjoying them is the assemble or building process. They r not as refine as Bandai, hence u can see n encounter many different ways of constructing the kit. This is definitely a plus point for me, someone who once got so bored with snapfitting Bandai's kit i almost wanna pay somebody to help me snapfit my kits.

SNAA Grace 格雷斯

 SNAA is a super active company, with so many products launch each year.

This is the first in their new series that targeted at the some audience for Bandai's RG.  Overall, nothing much to complain: It has more stuff than one would expect from a kit that is RM50 n below, even lower than majority of Bandai's HG kit.

This kit comes with full inner frame, colored runners, good fitting parts, clear instructions (I did spotted a mistake or two), transparent parts (to some it;s a plus point, though not to me), great articulation, water slide decal.

As usual, snap, clean, panel ink, decal, coat, and done! All r done with listening to you tube n podcast. Super relax n fun. 

Motor Nuclear 摩动核 -

 The is one unver-RM99-kit that has nice original design, good articulation, multicolor molding/parts,  really good fitting, and even metal inner frame.

No paint-no pain project XD.

Ok, i did flat coat the whole thing. Almost the whole thing. There r a few parts on the armor i feel like it looks much better with the original glosiness. Besides that, I really cannot accept the concept of a white blade, so the blade is sprayed with silver.

After that are just some metal transfer n metal option parts added. The main thing I have added on the kit is the cloth at the front. just dye it with a dark green dye powder i have , then bleach it a bit to tone down the color. 

Overall is happy with the result, especially with the amount of work I have, or have not, put into the kit.

Dodowo Ling Cage 1/12 Bringer of The Light, Fandi

 This is one quick project done together with KY Fong. He will be doing the skin tone of the kit while I will be handling the armor n the rest. Overall it is a pretty fun project to engage in.

As usual, photo first.

This kit is made by Dodowo. It's a character from an anime in China called Ling Cage灵笼. Character's name is Fandi, aka Bringer of The Light 荷光者. Original it is a fully painted action figure. This is the assemble needed model kit version.

Overall the build is pretty simple n straight forward, not much of parts, but a lot of extra parts for different colors. This is something I personally dislike as I know quite a portion of the money I paid basically will not be used.

KY Fong basically took care of all the flesh/skin/organic parts while I did the mechanical parts. He did some realistic skin tone on it while I should go with some weathering on my parts to compliment them. However, as usual, being lazy me, I didn't. huhuhu.

Instead, I spent most of my time building a base with moving lights, which I m not quite happy with the result as it doesn't give the randomness of fire as i wish too.

Besides that, I did , first time, tried to build an infinity mirror. This is a very satisfying experience though, and i m happy with the result. So in the end, I spent most time on it, besides building the mechanical part of the lighting system, the esthetic part of the mirror, or "gate" i would call it.